Who is the “real” peaboy ?
My name is Noah, the thing that keeps me up all day and all night is my dreams of being a fashion designer. I am fascinated by the arts of the world, the many medias it comes in is so reflective and emotional. My work tends to be very emotionally driven with the tastefulness of my beauty for life living within a shadow. I do not want to be the face of a brand… my heart does not lay in fame. It strives in the intricacy of art form. I am putting everything I have into my success and just want to share that wealth with the world. I have experienced a very blunt and rough time growing up, I was a victim of sexual abuse for 8 years, a struggling family, and a mental health battle that I fight every day to show up to the world with all that I have to offer. My misfortune in life is the very thing that allowed me to turn all of the wounds I had into something that gave me the lust of life.
Q&A ✠
What is your life plan ?
To let you in to my life plan is to enter the dreams of mine, an intimate expression of who I am. I am first going to have my own line, under the name Pea-ce. A symbol of me and the love I want the world to feel. I want to help as many emerging designers to have resources and studios to work in. I hope to give all of the wisdom I gain back to the world, back to the people like me. I want to live my life sharing any type of success I can, and then I want to go live on a farm. Doing what I love most and creating self sufficiency on my land. Having animals like horses and cows, brining life back to the wholeness that it is on its own. Harnessing beauty like no other.
How I maintain integrity as a designer in a world of demand and rising costs
Social media has amplified the principle of demand within all industries. We have lost the importance of patience in work. The work that I do, holds very dear in my heart, this ultimately means I preserve the work and am waiting to do big releases instead of focusing on a niche or solo pieces. Marketing can be done amazingly but if the product lacks the capability to jaw drop the consumer, it does not speak for itself. Archival clothing has a way of holding something that is timeless, the rawness of the garment is what speaks the volumes. Costs in the fashion industry are going to be bigger than ever and that means leveling designs to price points and to navigate production like never before. Tariffs being placed on sold goods from other countries will deeply impact the cost of manufacturing and living as a fashion designer. I try my hardest to live humbly, as I am not a materialistic person. My value in things comes from within myself. I will work hard for all that I want to achieve and I’m doing it in a time where it has never been harder.
Media that inspires me the most !?
I am a huge film and music connoisseur, things that hold a presence of feeling in them connect to me in a way of clairsentience. Documentaries are also my favorite way to dive into research about the designers who have changed my life. Some of the films that have inspired me most would be Harold and Maude (1971), Party Monster (2003), The Man Who Sleeps (1974), and Mysterious Skin (2004). Music artists that I have been listening to would be - Bladee, The Hellp, Sematary, 2Hollis, Dean Blunt, Black Kray, Blood Orange, Piero Piccioni, and Sade. My all time favorite documentary will be McQueen, my most coveted designer. Some other beautiful documentaries to watch would be - Antonio Lopez 1970 Sex, Fashion and Disco. High and Low - John Galliano. Martin Margiela in his own words.
What software and tools do I use ?
I am first and foremost a by hand designer. I believe pattern drafting to be the most illusive part of fashion design and will hold all of my rulers and kraft paper to the grave. I have been an explorer of artistical ways to express my visions and some that I have learned and do use are Premiere Pro, Photoshop, Illustrator, Clo3d, Excel and the world wide web. The most important thing I own for knowledge, would be the Patternmaking for Fashion Design 4th Edition by Helen Joseph Armstrong.
My development as a designer
I started sewing when I was 17 and quickly fell in love with the garment construction. I spent a while learning on my own, letting myself be free to the mistakes so that I could learn. I started an internship at a Local Couture Shop that was based from New York in my senior year of high school. I got to be around the environment of a studio for the first time. I was enamored with all the new things and continued after the internship ended. During this time I worked other jobs outside of the field but started my journey to pattern draft and create my own designs. Fast forward through my many failed attempts of getting a tailor job, I had landed a once in a lifetime opportunity to work at a Sew Studio in South town San Antonio. Here I’ve been working as a product manager and continue to do so to this day.
The core identity of pea-ce
The world is hurting. It’s missing love. We are all so different but all broken by design, I wish to see a revolution of change. We are in need of compassion to all, to help others no matter the circumstance. There is no reason to do the least when you can do the most. We as a collective have a responsibility to show others the magic in the air and the love that pumps our body. I want to be inclusive to the world around us, there should be shame to the hierarchies that are placed to divide the masses. We are love, beauty and talent. Angels without wings. Bringing Pea-ce to the world.
Ourselves For Eternity
Ourselves For Eternity
From the Dirt they left you in
From the Dirt they left you in
Loving everything unconditionally
Loving everything unconditionally
Thank you for taking the time to read about me - I love you all and I wish the absolute greatest to each and every person who reads this
Much love and swag,
Peaboy <3